
With Dina Let's learn, grow, and thrive together

With Dina not just as a platform, but as a bridge. A bridge that connects our rich Arab heritage with the vast opportunities the US offers. A bridge that I wish I had when I first set foot in this country. Have you ever felt the weight of miscommunication or the sting of cultural misunderstandings? Have you ever wished for a guide to help you articulate your thoughts, showcase your skills, and truly connect with those around you? I've been there, and that's why I've tailored courses specifically for us, the Arab community in the US.

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Community Building

Establish a supportive community where Arab immigrants and students can share experiences, seek advice, and celebrate successes.

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Holistic Well-being

Promote a balanced approach to health, emphasizing both physical fitness and mental well-being.

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Offer comprehensive courses on Basic English for beginners, Professional English technical writing, and the art of adapting to US culture.

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Continuous Growth

Regularly update and expand course offerings based on feedback and emerging needs of the community.

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    55Quality courses
    820Happy Students
    90Quiz Completed


    التدريب يمنحني تلك الحرية
    أشعر الآن بالثقة في التنقل في المشهد المهني في الولايات المتحدة. إن التزامها بنجاح مجتمعنا واضح في كل جانب من جوانب “مع دينا”
    Coaching just gives me that freedom
    I now feel confident navigating the US professional landscape. Her commitment to our community’s success is evident in every aspect of ‘With Dina’
    لا يمكن إيقافي 2
    لقد غيرت دورة الكتابة الفنية مهاراتي في الاتصال المهني. “مع دينا” يدور حول التميز لقد غيرت دورة الكتابة الفنية مهاراتي في الاتصال المهني. “مع دينا” يدور حول التميز والتمكين، وأنا ممتن لكوني جزءًا من هذا المجتمع.والتمكين، وأنا ممتن لكوني جزءًا
    I can be unstoppable 2
    The Technical Writing course transformed my professional communication skills. ‘With Dina’ is all about excellence and empowerment, and I’m grateful to be part of this community.

    Executive Empowerment Program

    This program is a 4 Zoom sessions one-on-one customized and designed to be transformative, providing professionals with the tools and insights they need to excel in their roles and beyond.

    Program Features:

    • Format: Interactive workshops with a mix of teaching, discussions, and practical exercises.
    • Support Materials: Comprehensive workbooks, assessment tools, and access to online resources.
    • Post-Program Support: One month of follow-up emails with tips, reminders, and additional resources.